Thanks and Recognition to Israeli Who Defended His Community

(Gushpanka-Hebrew, 13May2022) After Tekoa resident Yair Maimon stopped a Palestinian attacker armed with a knife at the entrance to his home on May 8, hundreds of residents gathered in the community's central park to give thanks and recognition to the local hero. Gush Etzion Regional Council head Shlomo Ne'eman told Maimon, "You and your family were heroes, both at the beginning of the evening and afterwards. You deserve great credit for agreeing to explain to the people of Israel what happened. This is very important because we need to recall that 'He who arises to kill you, kill him first.' And you demonstrated this plainly, with strength, bravery, without hesitation, without confusion." Maimon thanked the crowd and said: "It is wonderful to see you all here. I am happy that it turned out as it did, and I want you to know that in Tekoa there are many heroes. I happen to know them from Magen David Adom and the Emergency Squad. After 13 years in the Emergency Squad I am acquainted with each of them and I believe that they would have done exactly the same thing. There are many heroes in this community."

2022-05-19 00:00:00

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