Palestinian Terrorism Created Need for Roadblocks, Expert Says

[CNS News] Julie Stahl - Maj.-Gen. (res.) Yaakov Amidror, the former commander of the Israeli army's National Defense College, said West Bank roadblocks wouldn't exist if the Palestinians hadn't started using terrorism. Because terrorists cannot be distinguished from civilians, the only way to block an infiltration into Israel is by using physical barriers, he said. The point is to capture would-be terrorists long before they approach Israel's borders or have time to amass bomb-making components. In the 1970s, there was not a single roadblock in the West Bank. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians worked freely inside Israel every day without passing any checkpoints, he said. "[The roadblocks] were needed only after Oslo, when the Palestinians became rulers of themselves, [as a] consequence of the way they acted."

2008-04-01 01:00:00

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