Mourners Remember Eldad Regev

[ Jerusalem Post] Abe Selig - "He was always busy, studying law at Bar-Ilan [University] and running off to reserve duty, but he was a sweet boy, and it tears my heart to think that he's gone," said Julie, near Eldad Regev's home in Kiryat Motzkin. "Eldad was the kind of guy who was a friend to everybody, an exceptional guy. This is a hardworking family, a quiet family, and it's a sad day for them. It's a sad day for the people of Israel," said a man. On Wednesday, a group of schoolchildren, led by their teacher from a nearby school, kneeled before a photo of Eldad Regev and began to light memorial candles in his honor. "Why are you bringing children here?" one woman asked from the crowd. "Isn't it too much for them to see?" "Not at all," their teacher replied. "This is part of their country, and they should know that soldiers put their lives on the line to protect them, every day."

2008-07-18 01:00:00

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