Israel's Decision to Bar Omar and Tlaib Comes from a Position of Strength

(JNS) Alex Traiman - Many opponents of Israel's decision to deny entry visas to U.S. Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar for their self-stated visit to "Palestine" said the decision was a sign of weakness on the part of Israel's democracy, while others said the decision would hurt Israel's image abroad. Whether one agrees with Israel's decision or not, it was made from a position of strength, not weakness. Israel sent a strong message to BDS supporters: If you promote boycotts of Israel, then Israel boycotts you. If you delegitimize Israel as a sovereign entity and make anti-Semitic claims, then Israel does not give legitimacy to your positions. The special relationship between Israel and the U.S. is based on shared values and mutual respect. For those members of Congress who continue to express those shared values and show respect towards the Jewish nation, they will always be welcomed with open arms. Unfortunately, some are introducing a new set of political values and working to distance the U.S. from Israel. This threatens the U.S. relationship with Israel much more than the government's reaction to a provocative itinerary meant to further delegitimize the Jewish state.

2019-08-20 00:00:00

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