The Times Square Intifada

(Tablet) Liel Leibovitz - Congregating last weekend in Manhattan's Times Square, pro-Palestinian activists protesting Donald Trump's Jerusalem declaration gave us a useful lesson in the true aims of their movement: violence against Jews. A video capturing the demonstration begins with the cheer, "We don't want no two state, we want '48." What comes next is, "With spirit and blood we'll redeem al-Aqsa!" and "There is only one solution, Intifada revolution!" This is followed by, "Jews, remember Khaybar, the army of Muhammad is returning." Khaybar was an oasis not far from Medina where, in 628 CE, Muslim armies slaughtered and subdued the Jews. This is not a human rights campaign. This is not a movement interested in coexistence. And this is not a movement that bothers with any meaningful distinctions between Israelis and Jews. This is a movement dedicated to violence.

2017-12-13 00:00:00

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