Israel: UN Human Rights Council Is "Morally Bankrupt"

[ReliefWeb-UN] Israeli UN Ambassador Dan Gillerman told the UN's Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural) Tuesday that the moral bankruptcy and numerous shortcomings of the dysfunctional Commission on Human Rights continued in the new Human Rights Council. He said real burning situations were not reflected in Council deliberations, which focused primarily on Israel, subjecting it to three special sessions and 12 discriminatory resolutions. He accused the new organ of being blind to the human rights of Israelis and asked where its condemnation was of Palestinian terrorism against Israel. Moreover, he questioned what had been done in response to calls by Iranian President Ahmadinejad for Israel's destruction and for his denial of the Holocaust. Israel was not asking for special treatment, but, like all other states, it should be subject to review and constructive criticism on a fair and impartial basis.

2007-11-07 01:00:00

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