Same Old Fatah Means Victory for Hamas

[Jerusalem Post] Khaled Abu Toameh - Hamas leaders have reacted to PA Chairman Abbas' threat to call early elections by declaring they have nothing to fear at the ballot box. Hamas is not afraid of another election because Abbas' rival Fatah party has failed to reform itself and get rid of those officials who were voted out because of their financial corruption and abuse of power. Fatah remains as divided as ever as its leaders and members continue to fight over money and power, and as Abbas and his veteran allies continue to resist demands to hold internal elections. The past few months have witnessed the comeback of former Fatah officials, operatives, and warlords who were largely responsible for their party's defeat because of financial embezzlement and bad governance. What is absurd is that the international community, including Washington, is once again ready to embrace them.

2006-12-15 01:00:00

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