PA Tells Media to Tone Down Incitement

(Ha'aretz) - Arnon Regular Palestinian Information Ministry officials met with TV and radio station owners and broadcasters to lay down new rules intended to lower the level of incitement in the media as dictated by the road map - and to make all electronic media subject to the Information Ministry. According to one broadcaster, the new guidelines call for avoiding interviews with gunmen from the armed wings of organizations, avoiding shouts of "Allah akbar" or similar cries during live broadcasts, not publishing anything without at least getting the official PA response, and "accepting the rules of the hudna" - a general recommendation to advance the principles of the Abu Mazen government. Broadcasters were also told to replace the images and sounds of the intifada, such as the praise of martyrs and the scenes of rioting, with pop music, game shows, and other light entertainment.

2003-07-08 00:00:00

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