Clinton to Netanyahu: Palestinian Rocket Attacks Must End

(U.S. State Department) U.S. Secretary of State Clinton said before a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu on Tuesday: "President Obama asked me to come to Israel with a very clear message: America's commitment to Israel's security is rock solid and unwavering. That is why we believe it is essential to de-escalate the situation in Gaza. The rocket attacks from terrorist organizations inside Gaza on Israeli cities and towns must end and a broader calm restored. The goal must be a durable outcome that promotes regional stability and advances the security and legitimate aspirations of Israelis and Palestinians alike." Prime Minister Netanyahu said: "I want to thank President Obama, you, and the American Government and people for their strong support for Israel in this hour of need. I want to also thank you especially for your support of Iron Dome that's been saving lives, and we are in a battle to save lives." "We're...trying to resist and counter a terrorist barrage which is aimed directly at our civilians, and do so by minimizing civilian casualties, whereas the terrorist enemies of Israel are doing everything in their power to maximize the number of civilian casualties. Obviously, no country can tolerate a wanton attack on its civilians." "If there is a possibility of achieving a long-term solution to this problem through diplomatic means, we prefer that. But if not, I am sure you understand that Israel will have to take whatever action is necessary to defend its people. This is something that I don't have to explain to Americans. I know that President Obama, you, and the American people understand that perfectly well."

2012-11-21 00:00:00

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