Anti-Semitic Party Wins 12 Percent of Seats in Ukraine Parliament

(Ha'aretz) Eli Shvidler - The anti-Semitic party Svoboda will be well-represented in Ukraine's parliament after winning 12.3% in Sunday's parliamentary elections. Svoboda got only 0.7% during the previous elections. Several complaints were filed against the party's leader, Oleg Tyahnybok, for incitement and racist and anti-Semitic remarks, such as saying Ukraine was being run by a "Muscovite-Jewish mafia" and calling to "stop Jewish expansion." Party members, who tend to be young, have been linked to several anti-Semitic attacks, including the torching of synagogues and Jewish cultural centers and the desecration of Jewish cemeteries. The party also opposes the mass visits of Breslov Hasidim to the grave of Rabbi Nahman of Breslov in Uman, and has in the past tried to "defend Ukrainian rights" at the site.

2012-10-29 00:00:00

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