Where Fear is in Short Supply

(Jerusalem Post) Shmuley Boteach - David Hatuel's pregnant wife Tali and four young daughters were killed two weeks ago by terrorists who shot them at point blank range. He told me he was not interested in blame and harbored in his heart absolutely no desire for revenge. Rather, his sole wish was that no family should be forced to suffer a similar tragedy. "Rather than focus on the horror of how my family was taken from me, I am focusing instead on the 12 beautiful years God gave me with my beloved wife and daughters," he said. Most people are under the impression that the Gaza settlers are a collection of stubborn Orthodox radicals. I harbored some of that same misconception until I drove past the spot where Tali Hatuel was murdered and into an Eden of green fields and colorful children's playgrounds. The brave and humane settlers in Gaza have created a vast desert paradise that exports tons of quality produce to Europe, converting sand dunes into lush acreage of magnificent crops. Gush Katif is a joyous land filled with pious people and material plenty. Indeed, the only thing in short supply was fear.

2004-05-21 00:00:00

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