Progressives Should Support Israel

(Huffington Post) Steve Sheffey - The progressive movement has been tarred by a vocal minority that seeks to criticize Israel at every opportunity. It's time for the progressive community to stand up and show its support for Israel. Israel is a progressive's dream: universal education, universal health care, equal rights, minority rights protections, strong activist courts, and gays and lesbians openly serving in the military. As progressives, we should be outraged by the way the Arabs, including the Palestinians, treat women, gays and other minorities. We should be outraged that the Palestinians demand that no Jews should be allowed to live in the West Bank, even as over one million Palestinians live within pre-1967 Israel. If the Palestinian leadership is so upset about the "occupation," why did it twice in the past decade reject the opportunity to establish a state on the West Bank? Israel's entire history is an unending willingness to trade land for the hope of peace despite Arab intransigence and Arab unwillingness to partner with Israel for peace.

2011-04-01 00:00:00

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