Sharon's Policy

(Jerusalem Post) Uri Dan - Sharon agreed to accept the road map because he believed that, despite its many drawbacks, it would serve as Israel's best international line of political defense, especially in light of the rise and strengthening of Hamas, a possibility he took into account. President Bush completely supported Sharon regarding the first obligation of the Palestinian Authority: It must first put an end to terror in all forms and dismantle the terrorist infrastructure. This section of the agreement is particularly suitable for Hamas - it fits like a glove. From my close acquaintance with Sharon spanning over 50 years, I have no doubt that at this time he would not agree to depart a millimeter from any of the articles of the road map. It is exactly at this time that Sharon would make sure to honor his public commitment: "There will be no further unilateral disengagements." Those who favor uprooting additional settlements in Judea and Samaria in the context of another disengagement are not only undermining Sharon's ironclad policy, they are also making a grave tactical error vis-a-vis the Palestinians. With Israel living in the shadow of a Hamas government and fighting against it, to uproot more settlements is tantamount to awarding Hamas a prize. A promise of further withdrawals only encourages Hamas to intensify its extremist positions. Sharon himself repeatedly said that additional Israeli settlements would be uprooted from Judea and Samaria only in the context of negotiations over a final settlement, in accordance with the road map.

2006-03-08 00:00:00

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