Israel Police Wrap Up Mission in Haiti

(Jerusalem Post) Yaakov Lappin - When the 14-member Israel Police delegation arrived in Haiti 3 1/2 months ago at the invitation of the UN, the officers hoped their main job would be to protect residents and help rebuild a local police force. They did other things, too. "Every time we enter a refugee camp, small children with injuries approach us, and our medic treats them, though we are not medics," Supt. Ron Krig, 33, deputy head of the delegation, said Tuesday. "A boy told us his family didn't have the $30 for the annual school fee. We paid for his and friend's fee. These are small things," said Krig. "We give the schoolboys our food, which they sell to others and use the money to pay for notebooks and school uniforms." "The love for the State of Israel among the local population never waned. The children who were treated by Israeli medics or given water by the officers remember who helped them. Everywhere you go, when you say you're from Israel, you are showered with warmth." He also noted the warm relations between the Israeli and Italian police delegations, which share a base in Port-au-Prince.

2010-12-03 08:06:23

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