Poll: Palestinians Oppose Compromise, Want New Elections

(Arab World for Research and Development-PA) A poll of Palestinian public opinion in the West Bank and Gaza released Tuesday by Arab World for Research and Development in Ramallah asked: If Palestinian negotiators delivered a peace settlement that includes a Palestinian state but had to make compromises on key issues (right of return, Jerusalem, borders, settlements) to do so, would you support the result? Yes 12%, No 85%. 65% said it was "essential" that any peace agreement include historic Palestine from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. 66% said it was "inappropriate" to dismantle the Palestinian Authority as a reaction to a failure in the negotiations. 80% believe elections (municipal, legislative, presidential) should be immediately rescheduled and held as soon as possible. If elections were held today, who would you vote for? Fatah 42%, Hamas 11%, an independent party led by Salam Fayyad 4%, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine 4%, Islamic Jihad 2%.

2010-11-10 08:44:35

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