Our Man in Palestine

(New York Review of Books) Nathan Thrall - PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad has said that his plan to build a new state "is intended to generate pressure" on Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, and the direct talks recently started by the two parties have a late summer 2011 deadline that coincides with Fayyad's. Mike Herzog, former chief of staff to Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, told me, "Ultimately, I think Fayyad calculates that political negotiations will not succeed and his plan [to establish a state] will be the only game in town." The danger, for Israel and the Palestinian Authority alike, is what will happen if negotiations fail and Fayyad's plan does not produce significant concessions from Israel. "We are not going to withdraw from certain areas just because there was a declaration or a UN resolution," Herzog said.

2010-09-21 08:56:38

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