Waffling on Muzzling the Mullahs

(New York Times) John Vinocur - The U.S.' notions of UN sanctions on Iran have devolved over the past months from crippling ones to ones that bite to the currently described smart ones, which although packaged with the words "tough" and "strong" might not be hard-nosed enough to cost the mullahs a half-hour's lost sleep. If you scorn the gasoline sanctions that look to many like the best nonbelligerent shot you've got to spook the mullahs (after all, they came to power after a strike closing gas pumps demonstrated the impotence of the shah's regime), then Iran may well think it has scant reason to believe the U.S.' still-official bottom line: that when it comes to stopping the Iranian nuclear drive, all of America's options remain open.

2010-04-14 08:22:22

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