(Conference of Presidents) Alan Solow, Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, and Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman, issued the following statement on Tuesday: We urge the United States and Israel to resolve the controversy with the use of language reflecting their historic friendship. The recent disclosure by Israel of its intention to build additional housing units in eastern Jerusalem at a future date does not contradict its announced commitment to freeze settlement building for a limited period, and a cessation to building in Jerusalem was never a condition of the proximity talks. Israel has always claimed a right to build in its capital city. Israel's commitment to participate in proximity talks is in sharp distinction to the continued incitement by the Palestinian Authority. Only last week, the Palestinians went ahead with the dedication of a public square in honor of Dalal Mughrabi, a terrorist who was responsible for the massacre of 37 Israelis and American photographer Gail Rubin in 1978. It is such conduct which merits the attention and condemnation of those who seek to achieve peace.
2010-03-17 09:23:23Full ArticleBACK Visit the Daily Alert Archive