The Jerusalem Housing Announcement, U.S.-Israel Relations, and Peace Efforts

(Reuters) Jeffrey Heller, Adam Entous and Tom Perry - Israel says it was business as usual - a low-level planning committee giving the thumbs-up to another housing project for Jews in what Israel considers to be part of Jerusalem, its declared - and unrecognized - capital. Netanyahu assured an embarrassed Biden that the announcement shouldn't have been made now and in any case, nothing would be built there for years. U.S. officials seemed to take Netanyahu at his word that he did not know the project would be announced during Biden's visit. Biden sought to play down any rift by describing the prime minister as a close personal friend during a speech in Tel Aviv. Israeli officials made clear the project and the construction of other homes for Jews in Jerusalem, an area not covered by a limited settlement freeze Netanyahu announced in November, would go ahead. The Palestinian leadership in the West Bank may seek to stall the process for a few weeks, but U.S. officials expect the negotiations to begin, possibly as early as next week when U.S. Middle East envoy George Mitchell returns to the region. Many analysts believe it will be difficult for Abbas to resist U.S. pressure for long.

2010-03-12 09:20:23

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