Why the Mullahs Are Vulnerable

(Wall Street Journal) Con Coughlin - Six months after President Ahmadinejad's hotly disputed election victory, the Green protest movement shows no sign of abating. Rather than being quelled by the regime's brutal response - as happened during the antigovernment protests of 1999 and 2003 - the protestors' resolve has been strengthened and the opposition movement has grown substantially. Iran's mounting international isolation over its nuclear program was one of the issues that encouraged the anti-government protesters to take to the streets in the first place. So was the Ahmadinejad government's ruinous handling of the economy. What the events of the past week have amply demonstrated is that the overwhelming majority of Iranians are desperate for change in the way their country is governed. The writer is executive foreign editor of London's Daily Telegraph.

2009-12-31 09:19:22

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