(Defense News) Israeli President Shimon Peres said in an interview Monday: Q: What about Palestinian Prime Minister Fayyad's two-year plan toward statehood? Is it reasonable? Peres: That's actually only an estimate. It will take them some time to build up institutions of their own. Q: In Gaza, Hamas is rearming while Israel is condemned for excesses in its fight against the rockets earlier this year. Peres: There wasn't a single war where the Israeli Army itself didn't investigate all accusations. Even in the past, defense ministers and generals were fired as a result of these investigations, because we want to keep our army clean. But when it comes to other nations judging us, we expect fair and equal treatment. Q: So you oppose a non-IDF investigation? Peres: When it comes to investigation, we shall do it on our own, and not under pressure of a body that is essentially anti-Israel and only chose us to attack and to smear. It's absurd that countries like Libya, Afghanistan, Somalia and Iran will judge Israel's record on human rights. We are deeply disturbed that this illustrious body does nothing when a member, Iran, is publicly calling to destroy a fellow UN member. Why don't they investigate this Holocaust-denying leader [Ahmadinejad] who calls for our destruction? Q: Is Moscow the key to halting Iran's nuclear weapons drive? Peres: I've had long talks with Putin and Medvedev, and they made it clear they cannot live with an Iranian bomb. But there are still doubts about Iranian intentions with regard to uranium enrichment. I think that they finally are discovering Iran's true intentions and will be ready to support tougher sanctions.
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