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May 19, 2024       Share:    


From the Rainbow Festival in the Himalayas to the Gaza War

(Makor Rishon-Hebrew, 17May2024) Hodaya Karish-Hazony - On Oct. 7, Dvir Fisher, 23, was at a Rainbow Festival in the Himalayas in Nepal. After he heard the news of the Hamas attacks in Israel, he decided to return home immediately to join his IDF reserve unit. During a ride to Kathmandu, he was sitting next to an Argentine woman who asked him why he was going back. "I said my country was at war, that many people were murdered and kidnapped. The woman told me, 'So what? Your life is more important. In the end we are all private human beings. There is no such thing as a people.' I told her, that's not correct. This is my people, this could have been me. I'm fighting for the right of my people to live in my country. For the right of the Jewish people simply to live. She didn't understand." In November, Dvir was shot in the neck in Gaza and barely survived. Today he is involved in highlighting the experiences of soldiers who were wounded in the Gaza war.

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