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May 16, 2024       Share:    


The Political Fallout of Biden's Threat to Cut Israel Military Aid

(Daily Beast) Matt Lewis - Joe Biden is in the process of alienating his allies for the sake of adversaries he can neither win over, nor appease, with his threat that the U.S. will not supply weapons for Israel to invade Rafah, what the Associated Press describes as "the last major Hamas stronghold in Gaza." In so doing, Biden is being less than a loyal friend to Israel, an ally that rightly views Hamas as an existential threat. But he's also alienating his political allies right here in America. Biden's move has disappointed lots of mainstream Democrats who support Israel and make up a core portion of Biden's constituency. Meanwhile, does anyone seriously believe that the young radicals on college campuses who refer to Biden as "Genocide Joe" will be appeased? Biden has also limited his appeal to Never Trump conservatives. Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) said the move sent "a terrible message," and former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) called it "wrong and dangerous." Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley called Biden's decision "unforgivable," adding that "Israel didn't start this war, Hamas did. Withholding ammunition helps our enemies win and puts American lives at risk, including the hostages still held in Gaza."

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