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January 6, 2017       Share:    


Despite BDS, West Bank Industrial Zones Are Booming

(Ynet News) Ofer Petersberg - At the Shahak industrial park being built in the northern West Bank, over 100 dunams have been sold to developers. The Barkan industrial park outside of Ariel - which already has 160 factories and companies - has registered a further 60 companies who want to relocate to the area. Due to the demand, another industrial park - Gates of Shomron - is set to open near Sha'arei Tikva and Oranit. The head of the Shomron Regional Council, Yossi Dagan, explained, "On the one hand, international companies don't really comply with EU decisions. On the other hand, Israeli companies aren't ready to give up on the advantages (of operating in these areas), and are marketing their products to places other than Europe, such as Africa, India, and China."

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